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Initial D Extra Stage 2

Iketani missed an opportunity to see Mako-chan and hates himself for never calling to say he was sorry. By chance he runs into her 6 months later, and the situation is awkward. Iketani does not have time to talk at that moment, but both want to talk, so they arrange a second meeting. Iketani goes to the meeting place early, but an old man was left behind from an tourist bus, and asks Iketani to catch the bus for him. Iketani being a nice guy, so he can't say no.

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Genres: Action Drama Sports


No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: 70

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Initial D Extra Stage 2 Initial D Extra Stage 2 頭文字〈イニシャル〉D Extra Stage 2 Initial D: Extra Stage 2: Tabidachi no Green

Start Date: 3-10-2008

End Date: 3-10-2008

Source MANGA

Country Of Origin JP

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