Yoshimori Sumimura is a 14-year-old student at Karasumori School. Following in the tradition that's come down through the generations, he is the twenty-second Kekkaishi of the Sumimura clan. But he’s constantly fighting with his rival, Tokine Yukimura—his childhood friend and also a Kekkaishi—about who is the rightful heir to the magical barrier arts. Protecting people from danger while growing stronger himself, Yoshimori will battle the forces of evil again tonight!<br><br>(Source: Crunchyroll)
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Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Romance Supernatural
No. of Episodes: 52
Avg. Rating: 72
AirSeason: FALL
Other Names: Kekkaishi Kekkaishi 結界師 Barrier Master
Start Date: 16-10-2006
End Date: 5-2-2008
Source MANGA
Country Of Origin JP
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