Tottoko Hamtaro Hai!
Tottoko Hamutaro Hai! is the sequel to Tottoko Hamutaro, or in English, Hamtaro. The series revolves around the 15 original Ham-Hams in short 5-minute episodes. The Hai! series is animated differently from the original series, most notably, the head-to-body ratio is off, and it is also computer-generated in 3-D. <br><br> (Source: Wikipedia)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure Comedy Slice of Life
No. of Episodes: 77
Avg. Rating: 60
AirSeason: SPRING
Other Names: Tottoko Hamtaro Hai! Hamtaro Hai! とっとこハム太郎は〜い! Tottoko Hamutarou Hai!Tottoko Hamutarou: Norisuta Haai!
Start Date: 5-4-2006
End Date: 28-3-2008
Source Unknown
Country Of Origin JP
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