Ijigen no Sekai El Hazard
A new Priestess of Water has arrived! Her name is Qawool Towles, and though she's only 17, everyone (except for Shayla-Shayla) welcomes her with open arms. But during her initiation ceremony, a mysterious entity named Arjah appears and transports them all to an alternate world!<br> <br> Now, Makoto and the others are stranded all over again in a strange new kingdom called Creteria. It's a bleak, industrial realm ruled by a despot named Dall. If they ever want to make it back to El-Hazard, they'll have to figure out the secret behind an ancient artifact called the Spring of Life. And they'd better do it fast, because the spring seems to be dying...<br> <br> (Source: Nozomi Entertainment)
Next Episode In: Aired!!
Genres: Adventure Comedy Fantasy
No. of Episodes: 13
Avg. Rating: 64
AirSeason: WINTER
Other Names: Ijigen no Sekai El Hazard El Hazard: The Alternative World 異次元の世界エルハザード Ijigen no Sekai El-Hazard
Start Date: 8-1-1998
End Date: 26-3-1998
Country Of Origin JP
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