
The sixth anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. VRAINS is an acronym for "Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Network System". <br><br> In futuristic Den City, people duel using digital cards in the VR space "LINK VRAINS" managed by SOL Technology, Inc. A mysterious organization known as the Knights of Hanoi hacks into LINK VRAINS in search of a runaway AI program, Ignis. One duelist with the username "Playmaker" stands against this threat. His true identity is high school student Yuusaku Fujiki, a skilled hacker with a dark past and a grudge against Hanoi. When he becomes the first to capture Ignis, a struggle between Yuusaku, SOL Technology, and the Knights of Hanoi ensues.<br> <br> (Written by Edo)

Genre: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi

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The sixth anime series in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise. VRAINS is an acronym for "Virtual Reality Artificial Intelligence Network System". <br><br> In futuristic Den City, people duel using digital cards in the VR space "LINK VRAINS" managed by SOL Technology, Inc. A mysterious organization known as the Knights of Hanoi hacks into LINK VRAINS in search of a runaway AI program, Ignis. One duelist with the username "Playmaker" stands against this threat. His true identity is high school student Yuusaku Fujiki, a skilled hacker with a dark past and a grudge against Hanoi. When he becomes the first to capture Ignis, a struggle between Yuusaku, SOL Technology, and the Knights of Hanoi ensues.<br> <br> (Written by Edo)

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Genres: Action Mystery Sci-Fi


No. of Episodes: 120

Avg. Rating: 62

AirSeason: SPRING

Other Names: Yu☆Gi☆Oh! VRAINS Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS 遊☆戯☆王VRAINS

Start Date: 10-5-2017

End Date: 25-9-2019


Country Of Origin: JP

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