
Unknown Title

"Fantasy Chapter 200" is a series of special chapters released with the Kimi no Iru Machi anime Blu-ray/DVD limited edition sets. Main chapter 200 features Haruto and Yuzuki's first time, and the fantasy chapters are alternate versions featuring other female characters selected by a popularity poll.<br> <br> 1. Rin (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.1)<br> 2. Nanami (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.2)<br> 3. Asuka (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.3)<br> 4. Shiho (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.4)<br> 5. Akari (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.5)<br> 6. Yuzuki (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.6)<br> 7. Nagoshi (Manga Vol.26)<br> 8. Nagato (Manga Vol.27)<br> <br> <i>Notes:<br> - Includes extra chapter featuring Yuzuki & Rin<br> - A compilation tankoubon for this series, titled "Kimi no Iru Machi: Mousou 200-wa Special Edition", was published on October 17, 2018</i>

Genre: Ecchi, Romance

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Unknown Title

"Fantasy Chapter 200" is a series of special chapters released with the Kimi no Iru Machi anime Blu-ray/DVD limited edition sets. Main chapter 200 features Haruto and Yuzuki's first time, and the fantasy chapters are alternate versions featuring other female characters selected by a popularity poll.<br> <br> 1. Rin (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.1)<br> 2. Nanami (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.2)<br> 3. Asuka (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.3)<br> 4. Shiho (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.4)<br> 5. Akari (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.5)<br> 6. Yuzuki (DVD/Blu-ray Vol.6)<br> 7. Nagoshi (Manga Vol.26)<br> 8. Nagato (Manga Vol.27)<br> <br> <i>Notes:<br> - Includes extra chapter featuring Yuzuki & Rin<br> - A compilation tankoubon for this series, titled "Kimi no Iru Machi: Mousou 200-wa Special Edition", was published on October 17, 2018</i>

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Genres: Ecchi Romance


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

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