
Unknown Title

The series is the "first official super-deformed series" based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. The Gainax/Khara franchise spinoff spoofs the psychological science fiction drama by reimagining the characters as classmates in Tokyo-3's Nerv School, headed by Principal Gendō Ikari and Misato-sensei. The student body includes three different Rei "sisters," the EVA-01 mobile weapon reimagined as the school bully Evanchō, and the ill-fated Jet Alone robot as JA-ko, a "hidden character" in the form of a shy android girl.

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Unknown Title

The series is the "first official super-deformed series" based on Neon Genesis Evangelion. The Gainax/Khara franchise spinoff spoofs the psychological science fiction drama by reimagining the characters as classmates in Tokyo-3's Nerv School, headed by Principal Gendō Ikari and Misato-sensei. The student body includes three different Rei "sisters," the EVA-01 mobile weapon reimagined as the school bully Evanchō, and the ill-fated Jet Alone robot as JA-ko, a "hidden character" in the form of a shy android girl.

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No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

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