
Unknown Title

The story of Gundam F91 revolves around teenage space colonist Seabook Arno, his girlfriend Cecily Fairchild, and the efforts of the Crossbone Vanguard militia, led by Cecily's grandfather Meitzer Ronah, to establish an aristocracy known as "Cosmo Babylonia". In keeping with Gundam tradition, the civilian Seabook is forced by circumstance to pilot the F91 Gundam, coincidentally designed in part by his estranged mother, Dr. Monica Arno. <br><br> (Source: Gundam Wikia)<br><br> <i>Note: Two manga with the same name ran in parallel during the same time period. This entry is for the Comic Bonbon version, the only one to receive a volume release.</i>

Genre: Mecha

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

The story of Gundam F91 revolves around teenage space colonist Seabook Arno, his girlfriend Cecily Fairchild, and the efforts of the Crossbone Vanguard militia, led by Cecily's grandfather Meitzer Ronah, to establish an aristocracy known as "Cosmo Babylonia". In keeping with Gundam tradition, the civilian Seabook is forced by circumstance to pilot the F91 Gundam, coincidentally designed in part by his estranged mother, Dr. Monica Arno. <br><br> (Source: Gundam Wikia)<br><br> <i>Note: Two manga with the same name ran in parallel during the same time period. This entry is for the Comic Bonbon version, the only one to receive a volume release.</i>

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Genres: Mecha


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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