
Unknown Title

A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam, and a prequel to Gundam 0083 and Zeta/ZZ Gundam, CDA tells the story of Colonel Char Aznable directly after the One Year War. He heads toward Axis after the battle of A Baoa Qu with the remaining Zeon forces, where he meets a 14-year old Haman Karn, who begins to fall in love with Char. Char must also deal with Colonel Enzo, who plans to restart the war with the EFSF.<br><br>(Source: Anime News Network)

Genre: Drama, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

A direct sequel to Mobile Suit Gundam, and a prequel to Gundam 0083 and Zeta/ZZ Gundam, CDA tells the story of Colonel Char Aznable directly after the One Year War. He heads toward Axis after the battle of A Baoa Qu with the remaining Zeon forces, where he meets a 14-year old Haman Karn, who begins to fall in love with Char. Char must also deal with Colonel Enzo, who plans to restart the war with the EFSF.<br><br>(Source: Anime News Network)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Drama Mecha Romance Sci-Fi


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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