
Unknown Title

The year is After Colony 195, and the Gundam boys have taken a stand for eternal peace by deciding to destroy their robotic weapons, Gundams. The peace is broken, however, when Mariemaia Khushrenada, who claims to be the daughter of the late Oz leader Treize, kidnaps Relena and declares a war of independence against the United Earth Sphere Nation. Perhaps it’s time to pull those Gundam units out of retirement.

Genre: Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

The year is After Colony 195, and the Gundam boys have taken a stand for eternal peace by deciding to destroy their robotic weapons, Gundams. The peace is broken, however, when Mariemaia Khushrenada, who claims to be the daughter of the late Oz leader Treize, kidnaps Relena and declares a war of independence against the United Earth Sphere Nation. Perhaps it’s time to pull those Gundam units out of retirement.

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Mecha Sci-Fi


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

Other Names:

Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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