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In a cone-shaped land named Kikyougahara in Shin Province, there lives a girl named Hana. She is a gentle girl, who always thinks of her family, in particular her great-grandmother Chiyo, whom she affectionately calls "Granny." One day, a traveling entertainment troupe named the Natsugawa Genzaemon Troupe happens by, and the villagers welcome them warmly. Upon finishing their performance and receiving their acclaim, the troupe's leader spots Hana with some "oyaki," his favorite food, and transforms into a fox in his excitement. It turns out that the leader Genbanojou, and his companions O-Natsu and Shinzaemon, are all foxes who have taken on human forms. Genbanojou hastily negotiates with Hana, telling her that in exchange for keeping their secret, he will grant her one wish. She answers, "I want to let my Granny see the cherry blossoms." <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network) <br> <br> Part of the 2017 Anime Tamago Projects.

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In a cone-shaped land named Kikyougahara in Shin Province, there lives a girl named Hana. She is a gentle girl, who always thinks of her family, in particular her great-grandmother Chiyo, whom she affectionately calls "Granny." One day, a traveling entertainment troupe named the Natsugawa Genzaemon Troupe happens by, and the villagers welcome them warmly. Upon finishing their performance and receiving their acclaim, the troupe's leader spots Hana with some "oyaki," his favorite food, and transforms into a fox in his excitement. It turns out that the leader Genbanojou, and his companions O-Natsu and Shinzaemon, are all foxes who have taken on human forms. Genbanojou hastily negotiates with Hana, telling her that in exchange for keeping their secret, he will grant her one wish. She answers, "I want to let my Granny see the cherry blossoms." <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network) <br> <br> Part of the 2017 Anime Tamago Projects.

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No. of Episodes: 1

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: 2017

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

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