
The anime is set in the PriPara world, filled with girls' dreams and yearnings for fashion, dance, and music. Seemingly every day, there are auditions that send top idols to worldwide fame on television and online. Laala and her friends are all fascinated with this world. However, Laala's school prohibits PuriPara for elementary school children. An unexpected chance leads Laala to make her first entrance into the world of PriPara, where she just might make her debut.<br> <br> (Source: Anime News Network)

Genre: Music, Slice of Life

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The anime is set in the PriPara world, filled with girls' dreams and yearnings for fashion, dance, and music. Seemingly every day, there are auditions that send top idols to worldwide fame on television and online. Laala and her friends are all fascinated with this world. However, Laala's school prohibits PuriPara for elementary school children. An unexpected chance leads Laala to make her first entrance into the world of PriPara, where she just might make her debut.<br> <br> (Source: Anime News Network)

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Genres: Music Slice of Life


No. of Episodes: 38

Avg. Rating: 73

AirSeason: SUMMER

Other Names: PriPara プリパラ PuriPara

Start Date: 5-7-2014

End Date: 28-3-2015


Country Of Origin: JP

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