
Unknown Title

A milestone in Japanese manga, "Ashita no Joe" celebrates the 55th anniversary of its serialization. Hina's father, enraged by Hina's indifferent attitude toward her post-high school career decision, disappears, leaving behind all the volumes of "Ashita no Joe" for some reason. When Hina picked up the book, which had a retro Showa-era feel to it, she was immediately moved to tears. On the advice of her father's friend Kenkichi, she determined that the key to his disappearance lay in a place associated with the original work. Hina decides to visit the "sacred places" of the original work...

Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Sports

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

A milestone in Japanese manga, "Ashita no Joe" celebrates the 55th anniversary of its serialization. Hina's father, enraged by Hina's indifferent attitude toward her post-high school career decision, disappears, leaving behind all the volumes of "Ashita no Joe" for some reason. When Hina picked up the book, which had a retro Showa-era feel to it, she was immediately moved to tears. On the advice of her father's friend Kenkichi, she determined that the key to his disappearance lay in a place associated with the original work. Hina decides to visit the "sacred places" of the original work...

Next Episode In: Airing

Genres: Adventure Mystery Sports


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

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Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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