
Unknown Title

One year after the events of the anime, the three girls are third year middle school students, and the story begins when they are preparing for high school exams. Setsuna is helping rebuild Labyrinth, but visits them. Love cannot decide her dream for the future, and is envious of her friends who are studying for the exams each with a specific goal in mind. Then, suddenly, a person dressed in a suspicious black cloak who calls themself "Mafisto" appears, creating monsters called "Fushiawase" one after another, and the town panics! The four girls become Pretty Cure again with the Linkrun, the surprising identity of "Mafisto" will be revealed and the Cures transform into their Angel forms again!? Soular, Westar, Tart and Chiffon also play a role!

Genre: Action, Comedy, Mahou Shoujo

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

One year after the events of the anime, the three girls are third year middle school students, and the story begins when they are preparing for high school exams. Setsuna is helping rebuild Labyrinth, but visits them. Love cannot decide her dream for the future, and is envious of her friends who are studying for the exams each with a specific goal in mind. Then, suddenly, a person dressed in a suspicious black cloak who calls themself "Mafisto" appears, creating monsters called "Fushiawase" one after another, and the town panics! The four girls become Pretty Cure again with the Linkrun, the surprising identity of "Mafisto" will be revealed and the Cures transform into their Angel forms again!? Soular, Westar, Tart and Chiffon also play a role!

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Comedy Mahou Shoujo


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

Other Names:

Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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