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Nanami Momozono is alone and homeless after her dad skips town to evade his gambling debts and the debt collectors kick her out of her apartment. So when a man she's just saved from a dog offers her his home, she jumps at the opportunity. But it turns out that his place is a shrine, and Nanami has unwittingly taken over his job as a local deity! <br><br> Nanami has all kinda of new responsibilities she doesn't understand, dangers she's unaware of, and a cranky ex-familiar who's... actually pretty hot. What's a new-fledged godling to do? <br><br> (Source: Viz Media)

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural

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Kamisama Hajimemashita

Nanami Momozono is alone and homeless after her dad skips town to evade his gambling debts and the debt collectors kick her out of her apartment. So when a man she's just saved from a dog offers her his home, she jumps at the opportunity. But it turns out that his place is a shrine, and Nanami has unwittingly taken over his job as a local deity! <br><br> Nanami has all kinda of new responsibilities she doesn't understand, dangers she's unaware of, and a cranky ex-familiar who's... actually pretty hot. What's a new-fledged godling to do? <br><br> (Source: Viz Media)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Comedy Fantasy Romance Supernatural


No. of Episodes: 13

Avg. Rating: 80

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: Kamisama Hajimemashita Kamisama Kiss 神様はじめました Kami-sama HajimemashitaKami-sama KissSoy Una Diosa ¿Y ahora qué?Приємно познайомитись, БогОчень приятно, БогThe Girl In The World Of Spirit

Start Date: 2-10-2012

End Date: 25-12-2012

Source: MANGA

Country Of Origin: JP

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