A.D. Police
Set a few years before Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, A.D. Police chronicles the tales of Mega-Tokyo's special police division designed to control rogue Boomers in the city. A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki faces a major dilemna: he loses another partner to a rabid boomer. A day after he's sent off-duty, he receives a new partner in the form of German cop Hans Kleif. Funny thing is that Kenji sucker-punched Hans at a bar the night before. Not only does Kenji face the everyday task of controlling Boomers, he has to learn to adjust with his new partner. <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network)
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Genres: Action Mecha Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: 12
Avg. Rating: 54
AirSeason: SPRING
Other Names: A.D. Police A.D. Police: To Protect and Serve アドバンスドポリス Advanced PoliceAD Police
Start Date: 8-4-1999
End Date: 30-6-1999
Country Of Origin: JP
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