
Unknown Title

Mazinger Z is an alternate telling manga made in collaboration with Gosaku Ōta and Go Nagai, compared to the original and TV Magazine manga by Nagai, this manga was made more in tune with the anime while adding its own original elements. <br><br> The manga focuses on a plot more similar to the anime starting with Koji checking on his grandfather after Baron Ashura had activated a bomb. With his dying breath, Dr. Kabuto gives Koji the Super Robot Mazinger Z. With the threat of Dr. Hell looming, Koji fights against his Mechanical Beasts and lieutenants with help from Sayaka Yumi and to some degree Boss.

Genre: Action, Mecha

Manga To Be Added Soon

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Unknown Title

Mazinger Z is an alternate telling manga made in collaboration with Gosaku Ōta and Go Nagai, compared to the original and TV Magazine manga by Nagai, this manga was made more in tune with the anime while adding its own original elements. <br><br> The manga focuses on a plot more similar to the anime starting with Koji checking on his grandfather after Baron Ashura had activated a bomb. With his dying breath, Dr. Kabuto gives Koji the Super Robot Mazinger Z. With the threat of Dr. Hell looming, Koji fights against his Mechanical Beasts and lieutenants with help from Sayaka Yumi and to some degree Boss.

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Action Mecha


No. of Episodes: ??

Avg. Rating: Unknown

AirSeason: Unknown

Other Names:

Start Date: Unknown

End Date: Unknown

Source: Unknown

Country Of Origin: Unknown

Manga To Be Added Soon

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