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He pursues his job as the "Last Great Detective". Others call him the "Defeated Detective". What's certain is that he's Shinjurou Yuuki, a young man with a passion for mysteries and a talent for solving them that has made him the target of dark forces now stirring within the sinister underworld of a near future Tokyo. That could prove lethal, given that not even the other "good guys", including the police, are exactly on Shinjuro's side. Fortunately Yuuki's not completely on his own, and with the aid of his uniquely talented associate Inga, he's ready to cut a swath through the veils of secrecy that have been laid before him. <br><br> Get ready for mind against matter and a lot of cloak and dagger as the ultimate battle of clue and deduction begins in UN-GO! <br><br> (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Supernatural

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He pursues his job as the "Last Great Detective". Others call him the "Defeated Detective". What's certain is that he's Shinjurou Yuuki, a young man with a passion for mysteries and a talent for solving them that has made him the target of dark forces now stirring within the sinister underworld of a near future Tokyo. That could prove lethal, given that not even the other "good guys", including the police, are exactly on Shinjuro's side. Fortunately Yuuki's not completely on his own, and with the aid of his uniquely talented associate Inga, he's ready to cut a swath through the veils of secrecy that have been laid before him. <br><br> Get ready for mind against matter and a lot of cloak and dagger as the ultimate battle of clue and deduction begins in UN-GO! <br><br> (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

Next Episode In: Aired!!

Genres: Drama Mystery Psychological Sci-Fi Supernatural


No. of Episodes: 11

Avg. Rating: 70

AirSeason: FALL

Other Names: UN-GO UN-GO UN-GO アン ゴ Un GoUngo

Start Date: 14-10-2011

End Date: 23-12-2011

Source: OTHER

Country Of Origin: JP

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