After five years of harboring unspoken feelings, high-schooler Taiju Ooki is finally ready to confess his love to Yuzuriha Ogawa. Just when Taiju begins his confession however, a blinding green light strikes the Earth and petrifies mankind around the world— turning every single human into stone. <br><br> Several millennia later, Taiju awakens to find the modern world completely nonexistent, as nature has flourished in the years humanity stood still. Among a stone world of statues, Taiju encounters one other living human: his science-loving friend Senkuu, who has been active for a few months. Taiju learns that Senkuu has developed a grand scheme—to launch the complete revival of civilization with science. Taiju's brawn and Senkuu's brains combine to forge a formidable partnership, and they soon uncover a method to revive those petrified. <br><br> However, Senkuu's master plan is threatened when his ideologies are challenged by those who awaken. All the while, the reason for mankind's petrification remains unknown. <br><br> (Source: MAL Rewrite)
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Genres: Action Adventure Comedy Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: 24
Avg. Rating: 81
AirSeason: SUMMER
Other Names: Dr. STONE Dr. STONE Dr.STONE Dcst石纪元ドクターストーンดร.สโตน เจ้าแห่งวิทยาศาสตร์กู้คืนอารยธรรมโลก
Start Date: 5-7-2019
End Date: 13-12-2019
Source: MANGA
Country Of Origin: JP
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