Pastel Memories
The "otaku girls" role-playing game takes place "a little bit in the future in 20XX." Akihabara, which was once called "the otaku holy land," is now in decline after otaku culture itself has declined. Players take on the role of a manager of one of the few remaining "otaku shops." The manager helps to "raise" various talented otaku girls, and together, players and the girls battle a "virus" that is infecting the world of various works, while also retrieving people's lost "memories." <br><br> (Source: Anime News Network)
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Genres: Action Adventure Sci-Fi
No. of Episodes: 12
Avg. Rating: 45
AirSeason: WINTER
Other Names: Pastel Memories Pastel Memories ぱすてるメモリーズ
Start Date: 8-1-2019
End Date: 26-3-2019
Country Of Origin: JP
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